Thursday, November 17, 2016

Headline for the main story


            DATELINE, Ga. -- Then do a lead that is not a repeat of the paragraph on the layer one page. Assume the reader did not read the paragraph on the layer one page.
            Asdf;ksdal; f’ksasl f;sa;f sad/

Alsdkf ;’sa sl;af ks;ad lf

            After three or four graphs, put in a subhead.

Subhead one

            Then keep going with the story. If you refer to the sidebar topic, make the words a link to your sidebar. If you refer to your external link, make the words a link to your sidebar.
Insert your graphic (picture) where appropriate and don’t forget to say in the caption who took the picture. You also need to label the picture (or graphic or table) so it is clear what the picture etc. is about. You could also post your graphic in a separate post. If you do that, be sure to put a headline on the graphic post and link that headline on the homepage.

Carolyn S. Carlson, Photo by Jake McNeill

            Slakdf ;’sakf sdl;a k’sa

Asdlf k’asdl;fk as;dflksa

            As;dlfk sa’dfl; k;sal f

Adsl;fk s’adl;f ka;sdlf

            As;ldfk ‘sal;df ks’dl;a

Asdfl;k s’adl;fk s;dlf ka

            Sa;ldf k’asl;df ksdl;a

A;sldfk ‘sdl;ak f;’dl fk;

Subhead two
            Asdfk ;sadfk a;sl fasd; ;fsda

Asdflk;’asdf lk;’asdf lk;sadf 

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